Uninstall the YugabyteDB Anywhere software
This page documents the preview version (v2.23). Preview includes features under active development and is for development and testing only. For production, use the stable version (v2024.1). To learn more, see Versioning.
Remove YugabyteDB components from nodes
As described in Eliminate an unresponsive node, when a node enters an undesirable state, you can delete the node, with YugabyteDB Anywhere clearing up all the remaining artifacts except the prometheus
and yugabyte
You can manually remove Yugabyte components from existing server images. Before attempting this, you have to determine whether or not YugabyteDB Anywhere is operational. If it is, you either need to delete the universe or delete the nodes from the universe.
Uninstall YugabyteDB Anywhere
If you used YBA Installer to install YugabyteDB Anywhere, you can use the clean
command to uninstall the software. This removes the YugabyteDB Anywhere software, but keeps any data such as PostgreSQL or Prometheus information. Refer to Clean.
To completely eliminate all traces of YugabyteDB Anywhere and configuration, you should consider reinstalling the operating system image (or rolling back to a previous image, if available).
Delete on-premises database server nodes
You can remove YugabyteDB components and configuration from on-premises provider database server nodes as follows:
Log in to the server node as the
user. -
Navigate to the
directory that contains a number of scripts includingyb-server-ctl.sh
. The arguments set in this script allow you to perform various functions on the YugabyteDB processes running on the node. -
For cron-based universes, run the following commands:
./bin/yb-server-ctl.sh master stop ./bin/yb-server-ctl.sh tserver stop ./bin/yb-server-ctl.sh controller stop
For user systemd universes, run the following commands:
systemctl --user stop yb-master systemctl --user stop yb-tserver systemctl --user stop yb-controller
For user systemd universes, run the following commands:
sudo systemctl stop yb-master sudo systemctl stop yb-tserver sudo systemctl stop yb-controller
If the on-premises nodes are not manually provisioned, depending on the VM image, for files in
, or</home/yugabyte | yb_home_dir>/.config/systemd/user
, do the following:rm <dir>/yb-clean_cores.timer rm <dir>/yb-clean_cores.service rm <dir>/yb-zip_purge_yb_logs.timer rm <dir>/yb-zip_purge_yb_logs.service rm <dir>/yb-bind_check.service rm <dir>/yb-collect_metrics.timer rm <dir>/yb-collect_metrics.service rm <dir>/yb-master.service rm <dir>/yb-tserver.service rm <dir>/yb-controller.service systemctl daemon-reload
Delete cron job that collects metrics, cleans cores, and purges logs. Job names include, "metric collection every minute", "cleanup core files every 5 minutes", and "cleanup yb log files every 5 minutes". Note that some job files may not exist.
If node exporter exists, perform the following steps:
Stop the node exporter service using the following command:
sudo systemctl stop node_exporter
Delete node exporter service under
, or</home/yugabyte | yb_home_dir>/.config/systemd/user
using the following command:rm <dir>/node_exporter.service
If otel collector service exists, perform the following steps:
Stop the otel collector service using the following command:
sudo systemctl stop otel-collector
Delete otel collector service under
, or</home/yugabyte | yb_home_dir>/.config/systemd/user
using the following command:rm <dir>/otel-collector.service
Execute the following command:
./bin/yb-server-ctl.sh clean-instance
This removes all YugabyteDB code and settings from the node, removing it from the universe.
If you cannot find the bin
directory, it means YugabyteDB Anywhere already cleared it during a successful deletion of the universe.
You should also erase the data from the volume mounted under the /data
subdirectory, unless this volume is to be permanently erased by the underlying storage subsystem when the volume is deleted.
To erase this data, execute the following commands using any user with access to sudo:
sudo umount /data
sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=1M
The preceding commands assume the data volume is attached to the server as /dev/sdb
If there is a requirement to remove the yugabyte
user, execute the following command:
sudo userdel -r yugabyte
If there is a requirement to remove the prometheus
user, execute the following command:
sudo rm -rf /opt/prometheus
You may now choose to reverse the system settings that you configured in Provision nodes manually.
Delete YugabyteDB Anywhere from the server
To remove YugabyteDB Anywhere and Replicated components from the host server, execute the following commands as the root
user (or prepend sudo
to each command):
systemctl stop replicated replicated-ui replicated-operator
service replicated stop
service replicated-ui stop
service replicated-operator stop
docker stop replicated-premkit
docker stop replicated-statsd
docker rm -f replicated replicated-ui replicated-operator replicated-premkit replicated-statsd retraced-api retraced-processor retraced-cron retraced-nsqd retraced-postgres
docker images | grep "quay.io/replicated" | awk '{print $3}' | xargs sudo docker rmi -f
docker images | grep "registry.replicated.com/library/retraced" | awk '{print $3}' | xargs sudo docker rmi -f
yum remove -y replicated replicated-ui replicated-operator
rm -rf /var/lib/replicated* /etc/replicated* /etc/init/replicated* /etc/default/replicated* /etc/systemd/system/replicated* /etc/sysconfig/replicated* /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/replicated* /run/replicated*
rpm -qa | grep -i docker
yum remove docker-ce
rpm -qa | grep -i docker
yum remove docker-ce-cli
Finally, execute the following commands to delete the /opt/yugabyte
directory on the node to prevent failure if later you decide to install YugabyteDB Anywhere on a node that was previously removed using the preceding instructions:
rm -rf /var/lib/containerd
rm -rf /home/replicated
rm -rf /opt/containerd
rm -rf /opt/yugabyte
Uninstall in Kubernetes environments
You can uninstall YugabyteDB Anywhere in Kubernetes, as follows:
To remove YugabyteDB Anywhere, execute the following Helm command:
helm uninstall yw-test -n yw-test
option specifies the namespace scope for this request.You should see a message similar to the following, notifying you that the subject release has been removed:
release "yw-test" uninstalled
Execute the following command to remove the
namespace:kubectl delete namespace yw-test
You should see a message similar to the following:
namespace "yw-test" deleted