
HDEL key field [field ...]

This command removes the given fields from the hash that is associated with the given key.

  • If the given key does not exist, it is characterized as an empty hash, and 0 is returned for no elements are removed.
  • If the given key is associated with non-hash data, an error is raised.

Return value

Depends on the configuration parameter emulate_redis_responses.

  • If emulate_redis_responses is true, returns the number of existing fields in the hash that were removed by this command.
  • If emulate_redis_responses is false, returns OK.


  • emulate_redis_responses is true.

    $ HSET yugahash moon "Moon"
    $ HDEL yugahash moon
    $ HDEL yugahash moon
  • emulate_redis_responses is false.

    $ HSET yugahash moon "Moon"
    $ HDEL yugahash moon
    $ HDEL yugahash moon

See also

hexists, hget, hgetall, hkeys, hlen, hmget, hmset, hset, hincrby, hstrlen, hvals