Download the COVIDcast data

How to download data from Carnegie Mellon's COVIDcast project for linear regression analysis using YSQL

This page documents the preview version (v2.23). Preview includes features under active development and is for development and testing only. For production, use the stable version (v2024.1). To learn more, see Versioning.

Simply follow these step-by-step instructions:

  • Create a directory on the computer where you run ysqlsh to hold the files for this case study. Call it, for example, "covid-data-case-study".

  • Go to the COVIDcast site and select the “Export Data” tab. That will bring you to this screen:

Download the COVIDcast Facebook Survey Data

  • In Section #1, “Select Signal”, select “Facebook Survey Results” in the “Data Sources” list and select “People Wearing Masks” in the “Signals” list.

  • In Section #2, “Specify Parameters”, choose the range that interests you for “Date Range” (This case study used "2020-09-13 - 2020-11-01".) Select “States” for the “Geographic Level”.

  • In Section #3, "Get Data” hit the “CSV” button.

  • Then repeat, leaving all choices unchanged except for the choice in the “Signals” list. Select “COVID-Like Symptoms” here.

  • Then repeat again, again leaving all choices unchanged except for the choice in the “Signals” list. Select “COVID-Like Symptoms in Community” here.

    This will give you three files with names like these:


    The naming convention is obvious. The names will reflect your choice of date range.

  • Create a directory called "csv-files" on your "covid-data-case-study" directory and move the .csv files to this from your "downloads" directory. Because you will not edit these files, you might like to make them all read-only to be sure that you don't make any accidental changes when you use a text editor or a spreadsheet app to inspect them.

Download the COVIDcast Facebook Survey Data