
This page documents the preview version (v2.23). Preview includes features under active development and is for development and testing only. For production, use the stable version (v2024.1). To learn more, see Versioning.

yb-ts-cli is a command line tool that can be used to perform an operation on a particular tablet server (yb-tserver). Some of the commands perform operations similar to yb-admin commands. The yb-admin commands focus on cluster administration, the yb-ts-cli commands apply to specific YB-TServer nodes.

yb-ts-cli is a binary file installed with YugabyteDB and is located in the bin directory of the YugabyteDB home directory.


yb-ts-cli [ --server_address=<host>:<port> ] <command> <flags>
  • host:port: The host and port of the tablet server. Default is localhost:9100.
  • command: The operation to be performed. See Commands.
  • flags: The flags to be applied to the command. See Flags.

Online help

To display the available online help, run yb-ts-cli without any commands or flags at the YugabyteDB home directory.




If all tablets are running, returns "All tablets are running".


yb-ts-cli [ --server_address=<host>:<port> ] are_tablets_running
  • host:port: The host and port of the tablet server. Default is localhost:9100.


Prints the number of tablets that have not yet bootstrapped. If all tablets have bootstrapped, returns "Tablet server is ready".


yb-ts-cli [ --server_address=<host>:<port> ] is_server_ready
  • host:port: The host and port of the tablet server. Default is localhost:9100.


Clears all metacaches that are stored on a specified server. Works on both YB-Master (port 9100) and YB-TServer (port 7100) processes. Tablet servers and masters use MetaCaches to cache information about which tablet server hosts which tablet. Because these caches could become stale in some cases, you may want to use this command to clear the MetaCaches on a particular tablet server or master.


yb-ts-cli [ --server_address=<host>:<port> ] clear_server_metacache
  • host:port: The host and port of the tablet/master server. Default is localhost:9100.


Compact all tablets on the tablet server.


yb-ts-cli [ --server_address=<host>:<port> ] compact_all_tablets
  • host:port: The host and port of the tablet server. Default is localhost:9100.


Compact the specified tablet on the tablet server.


yb-ts-cli [ --server_address=<host>:<port> ] compact_tablet <tablet_id>
  • host:port: The host and port of the tablet server. Default is localhost:9100.
  • tablet_id: The identifier of the tablet to compact.


Print the count of uncommitted intents (or provisional records). Helpful for debugging transactional workloads.


yb-ts-cli  [ --server_address=<host>:<port> ] count_intents
  • host:port: The host and port of the tablet server. Default is localhost:9100.


Prints the value of the current hybrid time.


yb-ts-cli  [ --server_address=<host>:<port> ] current_hybrid_time
  • host:port: The host and port of the tablet server. Default is localhost:9100.


Deletes the tablet with the specified tablet ID (tablet_id) and reason.


yb-ts-cli  [ --server_address=<host>:<port> ] delete_tablet <tablet_id> "<reason-string>"
  • host:port: The host and port of the tablet server. Default is localhost:9100.
  • tablet_id: The identifier (ID) for the tablet.
  • reason-string: Text string providing information on why the tablet was deleted.


Dump, or export, the specified tablet ID (tablet_id).


yb-ts-cli [ --server_address=<host>:<port> ] dump_tablet <tablet_id>
  • host:port: The host and port of the tablet server. Default is localhost:9100.
  • tablet_id: The identifier (ID) for the tablet.


Flush all tablets on the tablet server.


yb-ts-cli [ --server_address=<host>:<port> ] flush_all_tablets
  • host:port: The host and port of the tablet server. Default is localhost:9100.


Flush the specified tablet on the tablet server.


yb-ts-cli [ --server_address=<host>:<port> ] flush_tablet <tablet_id>
  • host:port: The host and port of the tablet server. Default is localhost:9100.
  • tablet_id: The identifier of the tablet to compact.


Lists the tablets on the specified tablet server, displaying the following properties: column name, tablet ID, state, table name, shard, and schema.


yb-ts-cli [ --server_address=<host>:<port> ] list_tablets
  • host:port: The host and port of the tablet server. Default is localhost:9100.


Trigger a reload of TLS certificates and private keys from disk on the specified (master or tablet) server.


yb-ts-cli [ --server_address=<host>:<port> ] reload_certificates
  • host:port: The host and port of the master or tablet server. Default is localhost:9100.


Trigger a remote bootstrap of a tablet from another tablet server to the specified tablet server.


yb-ts-cli [ --server_address=<host>:<port> ] remote_bootstrap <source_host> <tablet_id>
  • host:port: The host and port of the tablet server running the remote bootstrap. Default is localhost:9100.
  • source_host: The host or host and port of the tablet server to bootstrap from.
  • tablet_id: The identifier of the tablet to trigger a remote bootstrap for.

See Manual remote bootstrap of failed peer for example usage.


Sets the specified configuration flag for the tablet server.


yb-ts-cli [ --server_address=<host>:<port> ] set_flag [ --force ] <flag> <value>
  • host:port: The host and port of the tablet server. Default is localhost:9100.
  • --force: Flag to allow a change to a flag that is not explicitly marked as runtime-settable. Note that the change may be ignored on the server or may cause the server to crash, if unsafe values are provided. See --force.
  • flag: The yb-tserver configuration flag (without the -- prefix) to be set. See yb-tserver
  • value: The value to be applied.


The set_flag command changes the in-memory value of the specified flag, atomically, for a running server, and can alter its behavior. The change does NOT persist across restarts.

In practice, there are some flags that are runtime safe to change (runtime-settable) and some that are not. For example, the bind address of the server cannot be changed at runtime, because the server binds just once at startup. While most of the flags are probably runtime-settable, you need to review the flags and note in the configuration pages which flags are not runtime-settable. (See GitHub issue #3534).

One typical operational flow is that you can use this to modify runtime flags in memory and then out of band also modify the configuration file that the server uses to start. This allows for flags to be changed on running servers, without executing a restart of the server.


Prints the status of the tablet server, including information on the node instance, bound RPC addresses, bound HTTP addresses, and version information.


yb-ts-cli [ --server_address=<host>:<port> ] status
  • host:port: The host and port of the tablet server. Default is localhost:9100.

For an example, see Return the status of a tablet server


Refresh flags that are loaded from the configuration file. Works on both YB-Master (port 9100) and YB-TServer (port 7100) process. No parameters needed.

Each process needs to have the following command issued, for example, issuing the command on one YB-TServer won't update the flags on the other YB-TServers.


yb-ts-cli [ --server_address=<host>:<port> ] refresh_flags
  • host:port: The host and port of the YB-Master or YB-TServer. Default is localhost:9100.


The following flags can be used, when specified, with the commands above.


Use this flag with the set_flag command to allow a change to a flag that is not explicitly marked as runtime-settable. Note that the change may be ignored on the server or may cause the server to crash, if unsafe values are provided.

Default: false


The address (host and port) of the tablet server to run against.

Default: localhost:9100


The duration, in milliseconds (ms), before the RPC request times out.

Default: 60000 (1000 ms = 1 sec)


To connect to a cluster with TLS enabled, you must include the --certs_dir_name flag with the directory location where the root certificate is located.

Default: ""


Return the status of a tablet server

./bin/yb-ts-cli --server_address= --certs_dir_name="/path/to/dir/name" status
node_instance {
  permanent_uuid: "237678d61086489991080bdfc68a28db"
  instance_seqno: 1579278624770505
bound_rpc_addresses {
  host: ""
  port: 9100
bound_http_addresses {
  host: ""
  port: 9000
version_info {
  git_hash: "83610e77c7659c7587bc0c8aea76db47ff8e2df1"
  build_hostname: "yb-macmini-6.dev.yugabyte.com"
  build_timestamp: "06 Jan 2020 17:47:22 PST"
  build_username: "jenkins"
  build_clean_repo: true
  build_id: "743"
  build_type: "RELEASE"
  version_number: ""
  build_number: "4"

Display the current hybrid time

./bin/yb-ts-cli  --server_address=yb-tserver-1:9100 current_hybrid_time